We are passionate about developing companies together with skilled entrepreneurs

Joakim Tengzelius, CEO & Founder

Hasko team at their office

We invest in ambitious companies that share our vision of durable business development

Vi investerar i ambitiösa bolag som vill dela vår 10&20 vision om minst 10% årlig tillväxt och 20% vinstmarginal över tid

10&20 philosophy

Partnership for durable business development

Hasko is the alternative for ambitious entrepreneurs who, over time, want to hand over their life's work to a long-term and committed owner.

We saw a world where traditional investment companies offer stability and long-term perspective but often fail to engage deeply in the companies' operations or to leverage existing knowledge. On the other hand, there are private equity firms that are adept at creating growth but with a distinctly short-term outlook.

Our vision is to take the best of both worlds – to be the active and long-term owner for smaller companies, with a hungry heart that beats for durable and lasting business development.


We are selective in our investments and our portfolio companies have sustainable competitive advantages and the ability to create growing cash flows over a long period. Few companies meet our strict criteria, and our group consists of companies with similar experiences that also have a willingness address their strategic challenges

Stockholm city scape

Genuine partnership

A genuine partnership is the foundation of successful ownership and continued value creation. When we enter into a partnership, we make sure we have the same goals and incentives. We are the right partner if you, as an entrepreneur, want to continue to have an operational role and remain as a minority owner for a period.

We are active, pragmatic, empathetic, and value the team higher than the individual effort.

By being a part of Hasko, your company also gains a strong network of sister companies and industry experts for knowledge and experience sharing.

Our business partners are best suited to talk about how it is to work with us, and we are happy to put you in contact if you want to know more.

Hasko team at their office

Perpetual ownership

When we become owners of a company, we have no intention of selling, which enables a long-term mindset in all decisions, strategic plans, and relationships.

With a long-term horizon, we don’t take shortcuts. We aim to create real economic business value and focus on profitable growth and strong cash flows.

Within Hasko, we are convinced that a long-term perspective is a prerequisite for creating an environment where employees feel secure and can make the right business decisions.

Ready to solve problems

We understand what it takes to run a company. The team at Hasko has extensive experience and expertise in both founding and developing companies.

We are active and engaged owners who always are ready to assist. We take responsibility together with the entrepreneur for the company's strategic direction, but also contribute with high commitment and a deep understanding of the business.

Through our experience, network, and financial resources, we tailor solutions for common growth challenges  such as key recruitments, strategic priorities, or company acquisitions.

Needle in a haystack

We selectively invest in a limited number of companies that meet our strict criteria.

  • Companies with an operating profit between SEK 5-40 million

  • Product companies with their own products or resellers for others where we understand the business model

  • Strong positions in niche markets insensitive to economic cycles

  • Proven and durable earning capacity with ambition to grow

  • Skilled and driven entrepreneurs who are willing to continue working for a period and be minority owners